〔體育中心/綜合報導〕Kobe Bryant今早在《The Player's Tribune》宣布,本賽季結束後籃球生涯將畫下句點,除此之外,Kobe還寫了一封感謝信給球迷,足以顯現他對球迷的重視。
信的標題為「我們第一次見面時,我只是個孩子」,信中寫到,「無論你把我當成英雄或惡棍,請你們記得我為湖人傾注了每一種情緒、每一分熱情以及我的全部。」(Whether you view me as a hero or a villain, please know I poured every emotion, every bit of passion and my entire self into being a Laker.)
When we first met I was just a kid.
Some of you took me in. Some of you didn't.
But all of you helped me become the player and man in front of you today.
You gave me confidence to put my anger to good use.
Your doubt gave me determination to prove you wrong.
You witnessed my fears morph into strength.
Your rejection taught me courage.
Whether you view me as a hero or a villain,
please know I poured every emotion,
every bit of passion and my entire self into being a Laker.
What've you done for me is far greater than anything I've done for you.
I knew that each minute of each game that I wore purple and gold.
I honor it as I play today and for the rest of this season.
My love for this city, this team, and for each of you will never fade
Thank you for this incredible journey.
All 18,997 in attendance tonight will receive a copy of @kobebryant's "Dear Basketball" letter. pic.twitter.com/iV1V7V0i2E
— Los Angeles Lakers (@Lakers) 2015 11月 30日