賈奈特的垃圾話曾多次引發口角衝突。(取自NBC SPORTS)
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕「老狼王」賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)是NBA有名的垃圾話大王,不論老中青,各個年齡層均有他的受害者,日前熱身賽面對芝加哥公牛,菜鳥前鋒波提斯(Bobby Portis)也慘遭他荼毒。
Bobby Portis is fully initiated into the NBA: Kevin Garnett was verbally giving him the business over the weekend. "Words I can't repeat."
— Vincent Goodwill (@vgoodwill) 2015 10月 13日
細數賈奈特說過最卑劣的垃圾話,當屬在母親節當天祝一向敬愛已逝母親的鄧肯(Tim Duncan)母親節快樂。
In the annals of KG, telling Duncan "Happy Mother's Day" knowing Tim's mom died of cancer will always be the most despicable.
— ☕netw3rk (@netw3rk) 2013 1月 8日