
MLB》老虎新秀諾里斯罹癌 半年前就知道

2015/10/20 14:27

〔體育中心/綜合報導〕底特律老虎隊新秀左投諾里斯(Daniel Norris)今日在Twitter及Instagram上宣布,早在四月就診斷出罹患甲狀腺癌,球季結束後將進行手術。


年僅22歲的諾里斯,今年七月從多倫多藍鳥隊交易到老虎隊,在大聯盟先發共13場,3勝2敗,繳出自責分率3.75的成績。老虎隊的總經理艾維拉(Al Avila)表示,在交易時就知道生病的事,也預期他會完全康復。


I've been debating for months as to how or even if I should share this with people. - I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer. So now, I'm asking for prayers. - A few months ago, after I was optioned to AAA, I found out I had a growth on my thyroid. Flying back & forth from Toronto to Buffalo after pitching to have more and more tests done it was finally concluded that the growth is considered malignant.. Meaning it contained the C word.. cancer. Hearing this was alarming, yea. Weird, yea, that too. I was given the option to shut my year down & get it removed immediately. However, seeing another doctor that determined I could wait until the end of the season reassured my gut feeling. Just Keep Playing. Baseball kept me sane. Regardless of results on the field, I forgot about it when I was between the lines. Afterall, I was just trying to get the heck out of AAA. & I did. I was revived with an opportunity, a blessing from God, with the Tigers back in the Big Leagues. So yea, the power of prayer.. It got me through this season. Now that it's over it's time to get this thing out, so please keep me in your thoughts & prayers as I undergo surgery & come out 100% cancer free! As always,,, #justkeeplivin

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