〔體育中心/綜合報導〕馬林魚老闆基特(Derek Jeter)上任至今,撤換不少前朝人士,一度惹毛「馬林魚先生」柯奈(Jeff Conine)而拂袖而去,如今再傳出馬林魚當家主播遭撤換的消息,徹底激怒當地球迷,紛紛直呼「受夠了」。
據《邁阿密前鋒報》報導,佛州福斯體育台宣布撤換播報13年的主播華爾茲(Rich Waltz),還有曾效力馬林魚的兩名球評柯奈和華爾森(Preston Wilson),福斯官方強調這是電視台的決定,並非馬林魚。
#Marlins I realize that tough decisions need to be made on the field but to come in and essentially show the door to McKeon, Conine, Dawson and Perez and now flush out a dedicated guy like Rich Waltz.. that's blatant disregard for the history of the Marlins organization
— Jon Linder (@LinderShowMiami) 2017年11月22日
Rich Waltz is one of the main reasons why I watched Marlins games. I’m #DONE with the Marlins. https://t.co/fYAPQdIbl7
— Kevin Escalera (@KevinEscalera) 2017年11月22日
I'm more upset about @RichWaltz than I am about any Stanton trade.
— PeDee (@MarlinsTalk) 2017年11月22日
Marlins telecasts won't be the same and I will genuinely miss his calls. https://t.co/fwfTMGuopI