〔體育中心/綜合報導〕爵士今主場迎戰雷霆,爵士超級新秀米契爾(Donovan Mitchell)砍下全場最高29分,雖最終爵士89:103不敵雷霆,不過他的好表現,仍被受隊友讚賞,連對手雷霆隊「CPR連線」的「甜瓜」安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)也對他讚不絕口。
爵士菜鳥米契爾此役上場39分鐘16投12中,繳出29分5籃板1助攻,表現相當亮眼,包括魏斯布魯克(Russell Westbrook)、喬治(Paul George)和「甜瓜」安東尼等多名球員在賽後,都上前擁抱並鼓勵這位優異的新秀。
Carmelo Anthony declined to tell exactly what he, Russ and PG said to Donovan Mitchell postgame, but said of Mitchell, “The Utah organization and the fans have something special they can look forward to...I think you guys are watching something here that could be very special.” pic.twitter.com/O0tjv49J87
— Fred Katz (@FredKatz) 2017年12月24日