
NBA》缺席皮爾斯球衣退休儀式 艾倫發長文還原真相

2018/02/14 15:13


〔體育中心/綜合報導〕塞爾提克日前為退役球星「真理」皮爾斯(Paul Pierce)舉辦球衣退休儀式,昔日隊友、總教練都到場參加,獨缺跑去打高爾夫球的明星射手艾倫(Ray Allen),被外界解讀為兩人仍有心結,艾倫今發文澄清駁斥謠言。


艾倫轉戰塞爾提克的首季,就與賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)、皮爾斯組成「GAP」連線攜手奪冠,然而在2012年夏天,艾倫因為家庭因素決定改效熱火,美媒報導皮爾斯等人相當不滿,認為艾倫不是真正的塞爾提克人,從此與艾倫分道揚鑣。




「雖然你現在可能已經聽到、讀到,或是謠言講的,我依舊沒有別的、只有愛。Paul和我比較想建立橋樑,而不是築起高牆。給Paul,34號,恭喜你的號碼被升上、高懸球場屋頂了,向你為波士頓這座城市的貢獻、還有我們2008年那座冠軍致敬。」艾倫總結,並在文末標記了皮爾斯的綽號「真理」(the truth)。

What we did in 2008 was special! Not only by Boston standards but by professional sports standards. The truth is, without any one of us on that team we would’ve never been able to do the unthinkable. Going from last place in one year to winning a championship is unfathomable. But, we did it! WE did it- Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Rajon Rondo, Tony Allen, P.J. Brown, Sam Cassell, Glen Davis, Eddie House, Kendrick Perkins, Scott Pollard, James Posey, Leon Powe, Gabe Pruitt, Brian Scalabrine, Doc, Danny, everyone at the Celtics Organization, our wives, children, families, the Fans in The City of Boston and yes, me. Over the last few years I have been berated, lambasted and had my name smeared. You may not want to hear this, but I will always be a Celtic. (Fact). I will always cherish the bonds that I shared with all of my teammates and the people in the city of Boston. (Truth). We all gave everything we had. We all won and we all raised the 2008 NBA Championship banner together. (Ubuntu) Paul Pierce is the first guy that welcomed Kevin and me with open arms into his atmosphere from day one and we never looked back. Paul and I have spoken about our time together as teammates- going to battle night after night knowing we could count on one another and we have also talked about my decision to leave during free agency- a choice I made for my family. Despite what you may have heard or read or what is rumored- there is nothing but love. Paul and I are more interested in building bridges than putting up walls. To Paul, number 34, Congratulations on having your number raised up to the rafters. I salute you for your commitment to the city of Boston and to us the 2008 NBA Champions #thetruth

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