
NBA》左膝細菌感染得開刀 厄文確定缺席季後賽

2018/04/06 08:31


〔體育中心/綜合報導〕晉級季後賽的的塞爾提克面臨艱鉅挑戰,明星後衛厄文(Kyrie Irving)因左膝細菌感染需再度開刀,本季剩餘例行賽與季後賽都無法上場,預計得休養四到五個月,美媒指出綠衫軍可能會簽30歲的自由球員J.吉布森(Jonathan Gibson)支援。




塞爾提克本季傷情慘重,海沃德(Gordon Hayward)、帝斯(Daniel Theis)因傷整季報銷,史瑪特(Marcus Smart)手傷未癒歸期未定,今天傳出厄文確定缺席季後賽,綠衫軍本季奪冠的賠率已從1賠20跌到1賠80,稱霸東部的賠率則從2賠9掉到1賠20。

總管安吉(Danny Ainge)認為,雖然球隊痛失大將,仍會在季後賽屹立不搖,因為這個賽季他們就是這樣走過來的,「我們在開季失去海沃德,大家有所因應、逢凶化吉,就算現在是厄文不能打,我們的心態是:『OK、我們就從這裡一鼓作氣衝了』」安吉說,強調傷兵是球隊必須面對的問題,對於任何人來說都不好受,但球隊可不打算就此放棄。

The hardest thing to do sometimes is accept the uncontrollable things life throws at you. You try consistently to learn, grow, and prepare everyday to equip your mind, body, and spirit with tools to deal with some of those things, but I feel when those moments arise they all give you a sense of unfulfillment, simply because it puts some of your professional journey and goals on a brief hold. It's simply a test of your perseverance and Will, to be present, even in the wake of what's going on. In this case, finding out I have an infection in my knee is definitely a moment that I now accept and move past without holding on to the all the what ifs, proving the nay-Sayers completely f***ing wrong, and accomplishing the goals I've set out for the team and myself. This season was only a snapshot of what's to come from me. Trust Me. "The journey back to the top of Mt. Everest continues." #StandingRockSiouxTribe Let's go Celtics!! Celtics fans, I look forward to hearing how loud it gets in the TD Garden during the playoffs and experiencing how intense the environment gets. Thank you all!

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