Josh Hader is back after old tweets surfaced where he used racial slurs, said he hated gay people, & tweeted “white power”
— Taylor Rooks (@TaylorRooks) 2018年7月22日
What warrants a standing ovation?
Also: why is this reaction so different than the reaction to those who kneel & did nothing wrong?
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕 近日被挖出過去曾發表歧視性言論的釀酒人明星哈德(Josh Hader),在明星賽後的初登場居然得到主場球迷的起立鼓掌,再度引發爭議。
推特名叫Dan Bernstein的網友寫道:「釀酒人球迷為自己說明了立場。醜陋的那一邊。」
另有網友寫道:「釀酒人球迷噓馬查多(Manny Machado),就因為他沒被交易到釀酒人,哈德卻得到全場起立鼓掌,好像他因為冤獄被關20年一樣。」
Brewers fans booed Machado for... not being traded to them?... and gave Hader a standing ovation like he just walked outta prison after serving 20 years for a murder he didn't commit
— wait for dusk (@waitfordusk) 2018年7月22日
Milwaukee Brewer fans should be ashamed of themselves...... Disgrace
— Terrance Knighton (@MisterRoast98) 2018年7月22日