
NBA》盼東山再起 歐登宣布轉戰中國CBA

2018/07/27 10:21


〔體育中心/綜合報導〕前NBA球星歐登(Lamar Odom)在個人IG上宣布將前往CBA打球,盼能夠東山再起。目前尚無透露會加盟何隊。

現年38歲,手握兩屆冠軍戒指的歐登,曾被譽為「左手版魔術強森」。NBA生涯待過快艇、熱火、湖人、獨行俠、尼克。2011年獲選年度最佳第六人,也是幫助湖人傳奇球星「老大」布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)奪得生涯後兩冠的得力助手。生涯場均13.3分、8.4籃板和3.7助攻。2015年曾一度因為吸食古柯鹼和嫖妓事件陷重度昏迷,甚至被醫生診斷有生命危險。在經歷了種種人生高低潮後,歐登決定前往CBA東山再起。

據歐登的說法,之所以下這個決定的是受到前尼克球星馬布瑞(Stephon Marbury)的啟發。馬布瑞曾和尼克鬧僵,導致名聲掃地、職業生涯岌岌可危。沒想到在轉赴CBA打球後卻觸底反彈,一舉挽回自己的名譽與職業生涯。歐登希望能夠複製馬布瑞的成功,並表示下這個決定是出於「籃球」和「小孩」的考量。

I have some good news to share with you on this beautiful day from The Netherlands. My heart literally warms up now I can finally share with you all that I'm returning to play Basketball. I will be playing in China ! God is good ! Thanks lord for giving me another chance in life and thank you fans for your the love and support during all those hard years. Never give up on yourself and keep believing that only god can create the miracles you're hoping for. Basketball and my children have always been the light in my life and this is where my focus is right now. Thank you @mr2rchiang and @iamzoul @georgeboss77 for believing in me and the opportunity to start over again! Thank you @starburymarbury for being my inspiration  LETS GOO ! #china #basketball #yes

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