WATCH: Video showing the moment a beer can breaks off some of the flags of the Red Sox World Series trophy during today's parade. #RedSox #DoDamage #NotThatKindOfDamage
— Korey O'Brien (@koreyobrienTV) 31 October 2018
(: Luis Morales) pic.twitter.com/712AP74qB6
今天十多輛各色鴨子船帶著球員、工作人員及家屬們從芬威球場附近出發,經過考普利廣場、波士頓公共花園等知名地標,然而有少數瘋狂球迷,不顧規定攜帶啤酒參與遊行,甚至把啤酒罐丟給鴨子船上的球員,紅襪總教練柯拉(Alex Cora)就被砸得滿身濕。
#RedSox fans throwing beers at @mattbarnesRHP and @kimbrel46. They caught them all. Barnes even caught one with one hand with a beer already in it. #skills pic.twitter.com/htLzf9HQeJ
— Raul Martinez (@RaulNBCBoston) 31 October 2018
Alex Cora is going to kill whoever threw that pic.twitter.com/VGb6IIihvx
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) 31 October 2018