〔體育中心/綜合報導〕NBA西部季後賽首輪第6戰,衛冕軍勇士杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)出賽23分鐘17投12中,三分球8投4中,外加10罰10中,前兩節打完就破紀錄暴砍38分,追平季後賽半場得分史上第二高的紀錄,在上半場打完帶領勇士以72:53遙遙領先快艇。
#NBAPlayoffs career-high for points in a half
— NBA (@NBA) April 27, 2019
Tied for 2nd most points in a half in postseason history
Kevin Durant erupts for 38 1st half PTS on 12-17 shooting! #StrengthInNumbers
@ESPNNBA pic.twitter.com/a4TK7LejxB
半場打完就豪取38分,杜蘭特一舉追平退役傳奇球星「惡漢」巴克利(Charles Barkley )在1994年4月5日的季後賽上半場的紀錄,並列NBA季後賽半場得分史上第二高,而排名第一的則是前勇士全能後衛佛洛伊德(Sleepy Floyd)在1987年5月10日季後賽下半場中所創下的39分紀錄。
Kevin Durant's 38 first-half points ties the NBA record for most points in the first half of a playoff game, matching Charles Barkley's 38-point half at Golden State on May 4, 1994. Eric "Sleepy" Floyd holds the record for most points in any half of a playoff game with 39.
— Warriors PR (@WarriorsPR) April 27, 2019
半場打完,勇士進攻火力集中在杜蘭特身上,柯瑞( Stephen Curry)7投4中拿下12分2助攻,D.格林(Draymond Green)則是11投6中,砍下12分10籃板和6助攻;快艇則由加林納里(Danilo Gallinari)拿下全隊最高15分。