〔體育中心/綜合報導〕勇士球星杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)今出賽將近50分鐘31投14中,三分球10投6中,外加12罰12中,暴砍全場最高的46分,寫下多項超狂紀錄,還追平「籃球之神」喬丹(Michael Jordan)。然而美中不足的是,勇士最後在延長賽以121:126輸給火箭,無緣搶先在西部準決賽「聽牌」。
KD and the
— NBA on ESPN (@ESPNNBA) May 5, 2019
Durant tied MJ for most points in the first four road games in a single postseason pic.twitter.com/RsGrLkrXda
杜蘭特今攻下46分、6助攻、3籃板,生涯季後賽總得分來到3976分,超越「閃電俠」魏德(Dwyane Wade)躍上史上第10,另外他也成為NBA史上第6位單賽季季後賽3次單場能拿至少45分的球員,而他季後賽前4戰客場比賽合計拿下167分更是一舉追平喬丹在1989-90球季所創下的紀錄。
Kevin Durant is just the sixth different player in @NBA history to post at least three 45-point games in the same #NBAPlayoffs run, joining Baylor, West, Jordan (3x), Iverson and James. #GSWvsHOU
— StatMuse (@statmuse) May 5, 2019
https://t.co/IkxMdJ2obI pic.twitter.com/y7p8Plz4FR
賽後對手火箭總教練丹東尼(Mike D'Antoni)也忍不住稱讚杜蘭特,認為他個人表現好得爆表,並慶幸要不是因為自己的球員都能有所發揮,今天輸球的恐怕就是火箭。
With his 46 points tonight, Kevin Durant joins LeBron James, Allen Iverson, Michael Jordan, Jerry West and Elgin Baylor as the only players in #NBAPlayoffs history with at least 3 games scoring 45+ points in a single postseason run. pic.twitter.com/jMKo77Edpe
— NBA.com/Stats (@nbastats) May 5, 2019