〔體育中心/綜合報導〕勇士投手索洛卡(Mike Soroka)昨對巨人先發,投出生涯新高的8局,並締造大聯盟21歲以下新秀史上最狂紀錄,生涯前12場出賽防禦率僅1.92,超越當年「D-Train」威力斯(Dontrelle Willis)、以及水手「國王」赫南德茲(Felix Hernandez)。
Since 1913, among pitchers who started their first 12 career MLB games and were 21 or under for all 12, none posted a better ERA than Mike Soroka's current career mark of 1.92 pic.twitter.com/9PX2Qh0g43
— Baseball Reference (@baseball_ref) 21 May 2019
這也讓他生涯前12場比賽的防禦率僅1.92,創下自1913年計算自責失分以來,21歲以下投手最低防禦率紀錄,超越「D-Train」威力斯(Dontrelle Willis)在2003年的1.98、以及水手隊赫南德茲的2.67,而且索洛卡這12場全是先發,也讓他頓時成為國聯新人王甚至塞揚獎有力人選。
Mike Soroka wants that Rookie of the Year award. pic.twitter.com/M6dinAYDBM
— FOX Sports: Braves (@FOXSportsBraves) 21 May 2019