
MLB》從大魯閣投到大聯盟 路人飆154公里被運動家簽下(影音)

2019/08/02 12:59


〔體育中心/綜合報導〕一位名叫佩特森(Nathan Patterson)的23歲棒球迷,在上個月到洛磯主場庫爾斯球場看球時,順道參加飆速挑戰賽試手感,結果他最快竟然投到96英哩(約154公里),今天他在IG上PO出與運動家隊簽約的照片,成為魔球團隊的一員。

美國大聯盟球場中附設各種體感設施,大聯盟《CUT 4》專欄報導,一名年輕球迷佩特森與哥哥在7月16日去看洛磯比賽時,就在附設的打擊練習場參加飆速比賽,回來後哥哥在推特上PO出這段影片,寫下:「我弟弟丟到了96英哩!MLB快點來簽下他」,短短幾天已經超過20萬人觀看。



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“How can you not be romantic about baseball” -Billy Beane Words cannot describe this feeling and I cannot thank everyone enough who has been part of this journey so far! My family has given me nothing but constant love and support throughout the last 9 months as I pursue a dream of mine that I’ve had since I was a little kid. It’s been a roller coaster to get here with many challenges and overcoming adversity. I’m grateful for all the trainers, coaches, friends, @rsrbaseball and everyone else who has supported me thus far! And for those who tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams, use that as fuel to work even harder. Because those people are the ones that settle. I’m grateful for the @athletics organization for giving me this opportunity! This story is not over. It is not the beginning. I am writing the next chapters and excited for this journey! Time to focus even more, work even harder, and it all starts with your mindset. Go after your dreams and make them a reality!

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