〔體育中心/綜合報導〕金塊目前打出42勝20敗的戰績,高居西部第3的位置,本季要進入季後賽已是十拿九穩的事,但儘管如此,金塊總教練馬龍(Michael Malone)仍對球隊近期的防守表現不滿意,特別是在台灣時間3月4日敗給聯盟爐主勇士後,馬龍再次指出球隊防守表現不及格,並在今日對戰黃蜂前,要全隊球員上緊發條做好防守。
根據金塊隨隊記者Mike Singer報導,馬龍在今日交手黃蜂前表示,針對球隊防守問題他並沒有生氣,「我會繼續談論有關防守的事情,我把這些球員當作成年男人一樣看待,他們確實也是,所以如果無法處理這項事實的話,那麼他們正在錯誤的道路上。」
Michael Malone wasn't nearly as mad, but he turned all Jack Nicholson at pregame:
— Mike Singer (@msinger) March 5, 2020
"I'm going to keep talking about (the defense). I'm gonna treat these guys like grown-ass men, which they are. And if they can't handle the truth, then they're in the wrong business." pic.twitter.com/aEiDhaDZrG
Michael Malone said the Nuggets had a "very honest film session", not just about the Golden State loss, but about the six games since the break. Denver has the 27th ranked defense over that time.
— Mike Singer (@msinger) March 5, 2020