〔體育中心/綜合報導〕美國大聯盟今天公布波士頓紅襪隊在2018年作弊案懲處,僅只有紅襪重播室的操作員沃特金斯(J.T. Watkins)遭禁賽一年,紅襪隊在2020年第二輪選秀權遭沒收。外媒KTRK記者貝利(Greg Bailey)就直言,大聯盟的「調查」根本是笑話。
時任紅襪隊總教練的柯拉(Alex Cora)、教練團成員等,對沃特金斯的作弊方式並不知情,僅少數紅襪隊球員知道,因此柯拉沒有遭到懲處。大聯盟官方今做出懲處,沃特金斯遭停職1年,2021年也不得擔任重播室的工作人員。
《NBC Sports》記者Nick Stellini也在推特上發文說,「你告訴我柯拉在休士隊靠作弊贏得世界大賽冠軍,去了波士頓又奪得另一個冠軍戒指,但那次『沒有』作弊嗎?」
#MLB "investigation" of the Red Sox is a joke. Alex Cora crafted the sign stealing scheme in Houston. Went to Boston, just happened to win a World Series and only the lowly video guy is to blame. Conclusion: the #Astros paid a terrible price for actually telling the truth.
— Greg Bailey (@GregBailey13) April 22, 2020
You're telling me Alex Cora won a World Series in Houston by flagrantly cheating, went to Boston and won another ring, but *didn't* take part in the cheating that time?
— Nick Stellini (@StelliniTweets) April 22, 2020