〔體育中心/綜合報導〕大聯盟生涯555轟的名將曼尼想要再回歸中職,大聯盟名記者海曼(Jon Heyman)今天在推特上指出,他與曼尼的兒子聯繫上,並獲得消息是味全龍的確有談到請曼尼來當教練,曼尼雖然願意,但也想繼續當球員。
現年47歲的曼尼曾在2013年來台加盟義大犀牛,出賽49場敲出8轟、43分打點,打擊率.352,最後一次當球員出賽則是在2014-15年的多明尼加冬季聯盟。自從上月底他向《The Taiwan Times》透露有意回台灣打球後,連日來屢屢讓中職攻佔外媒版面。
Manny Ramirez Jr., his dad’s agent, told me the Dragons of CPBL (Taiwan) talked to them about hiring Manny to coach, and he may. But “he wants to play,” Jr. said, if not now then “in 2021.” They may also talk to others (ie the Brothers) about playing. “He’s looking really good.”
— Jon Heyman (@JonHeyman) May 5, 2020