Hoy paso por el gran dolor de informar el lamentable fallecimiento de mi esposa Noelia, a causa de un infarto. Es un momento de mucha tristeza.
— Starling Marte (@Starlingmart) May 19, 2020
I go through the pain of making public the unfortunate death of my wife Noelia, due to a heart attack. It is a moment of great sorrow. pic.twitter.com/UEP4k8dLBW
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕休賽季自海盜轉戰響尾蛇的明星外野手馬堤(Starling Marte)今在社群軟體發文表示,妻子諾艾莉亞(Noelia)因心臟病發驟逝。
大聯盟資深記者海曼(Jon Heyman)隨後則發文表示,馬堤的妻子是因腳踝骨折住院,在等待手術的時候撒手人寰。
Starling Marte’s wife died unexpectedly today. She broke her ankle and was in the hospital and said to be awaiting surgery when she passed. Best wishes to Starling, who just announced the death.
— Jon Heyman (@JonHeyman) May 19, 2020