Protesters gathered in San Francisco to participate in the Speak Up And Dribble protest
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) June 21, 2020
They each dribbled a basketball for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in honor of George Floyd
(via @jackie_bam)
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕美國日前發生嚴重種族議題事件,許多民眾自發性舉辦活動發聲,今天有大批人群集結在舊金山,響應和平抗爭活動,一起運球長達8分46秒,紀念因警察執法過當過世的非裔美國男子佛洛伊德(George Floyd)。
在這個名為「發聲與運球(SPEAK UP & DRIBBLE)」的活動中,發起人希望以和平抗爭的方式,為所有種族主義受害者發聲,支持「黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter)」口號,訴求在體制上能有真實改變,不要再有黑人被攻擊甚至殺害。
活動發起人表示,籃球是一股強大、能夠團結全世界的力量,希望能用籃球集結愛來對抗種族主義,選在疫情發生前、原定舉行NBA總冠軍戰第7戰的週末,號召人群帶著自己的籃球走上街頭,從日前弔念布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)的廣場出發開始遊行,期間會在市政府前停留,一起運球8分46秒,為種族正義發聲。
這場籃球和平抗爭活動,吸引許多人到場響應,在《Bleacher Report》推特的影片中,大批人群集結在街上,一同運球8分46秒(佛洛伊德被警方不當壓制8分46秒後送醫不治),也有許多民眾高舉自製海報,聲援種族正義。
Come down to march and dribble with us at the “Speak Up and Dribble” protest in SF. At City Hall, just started, so get down here’. BLACK LIVES MATTER.
— The Stone Foxes (@thestonefoxes) June 20, 2020
Anyways. Went to a really dope protest today called “Speak Up and Dribble.”
— Meredith Minkow (@murrminks) June 21, 2020
The kids did a dribbling drill for 8 minutes and 46 seconds then we marched to the court KD help create.
Speak Up and Dribble Protest @Adamcopes the speaker. #BlackLivesMatter
— Ally Williams (@allykwilliams) June 21, 2020