〔體育中心/綜合報導〕布魯克林籃網確診人數又加一!稍早主力控衛「丁丁」汀維迪(Spencer Dinwiddie)才傳出確診染上武漢肺炎(新型冠狀病毒病,COVID-19)的消息,沒想到隨後連中鋒D.喬丹(DeAndre Jordan)自曝也確診中鏢,並宣布決定將不會參加本次佛州奧蘭多復賽。
籃網中鋒D.喬丹稍早突然拋出震撼彈,在推特上宣布自己感染肺炎,「昨晚發現感染後今天又再次確認,確定我的肺炎篩檢呈現陽性。 因此,我將不會去奧蘭多參加剩餘的比賽。」
Found out last night and confirmed again today that I’ve tested positive for Covid while being back in market. As a result of this, I will not be in Orlando for the resumption of the season.
— DeAndre Jordan (@DeAndre) June 30, 2020
《ESPN》記者「沃神」沃納洛斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)則在推特上指出,籃網確定已有兩人都中鏢,目前D.喬丹確定不去奧蘭多,汀維迪恐怕也正在強烈考慮不去打復賽,而有消息人士指出,籃網現在已經開始物色能補上D.喬丹空缺的人選。
Two Brooklyn Nets have tested positive for the coronavirus -- Jordan and Spencer Dinwiddie. Jordan has opted-out of Orlando, and Dinwiddie is strongly considering the same. Nets will sign a substitute for Jordan, per sources. Nets are presently the seventh seed in East.
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) June 30, 2020
目前暫居東部的第7的籃網,預期能獲得季後賽門票,但因在兩大主力厄文(Kyrie Irving)和杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)都因傷確定不打,昨天前鋒W.錢德勒(Wilson Chandler)才表明自己將以家庭為重不參加復賽,今天又有兩主力中鏢,籃網的季後賽之路恐怕將會更艱辛。