
MLB》染疫後康復 紅雀鐵捕發文:我們能戰勝它

2020/08/25 10:36


〔記者林宥辰/綜合報導〕紅雀隊日前爆發群聚感染武漢肺炎,陣中老將捕手莫里納(Yadier Molina)在本人同意下,是球團公開宣布的染疫球員之一。如今,莫里納健康強勢回歸,在個人IG社群發文,鼓勵大家戰勝病毒。



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I wanted to make a few things clear with the picture I sent. I know COVID is a serious virus, trust me, I had it for a week myself! Many of the people in the picture are the same way and we got together to celebrate beating COVID. The other people in the picture are tested routinely because they work directly at my house or are part of my family! I understand how this looks from the outside, and even though I do this most of the time, I will make sure to be more careful to wear masks and socially distance in the future. And, my message under the picture was to show the world that we can beat this thing! I know this won't make everyone understand, but I hope it clears up some concerns people have. “FCOVID” Not because I don't care about the protocols, but because this won't beat us!

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