獨行俠今以97:111敗給快艇,季後賽首輪2:4遭淘汰。(USA TODAY Sports)
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕獨行俠今以97:111敗給快艇,季後賽首輪2:4遭淘汰,無緣更上層樓,對此《ESPN》記者Tim MacMahon爆料,獨行俠可能會在休賽季網羅1至2名的老將來幫助當家球星東契奇(Luka Doncic)。
縱然東契奇在與快艇的系列賽,6戰場均轟下31分、9.8個籃板、8.7次助攻,場場超水準的逆天表現,不過在球隊長人波辛傑斯(Kristaps Porzingis)掛傷號、整體經驗不足的情況下,獨行俠無法挺過快艇這關,於首輪止步。
在獨行俠遭淘汰後,Tim MacMahon推特爆料:「獨行俠將會嘗試在休賽季網羅1至2名強硬的老將,這是計劃的一部分,與快艇的系列賽就說明了球隊缺少這一點,幾個月前球隊營運辦公室的人就向我說『我們需要有一些和對方硬碰硬的球員』。」
此外Tim MacMahon指出,獨行俠期盼網羅的老將還需具備良好的防守能力,如此一來東契奇才會有更多幫手,再者他們也知道球隊防守效率值在聯盟排名第18,勢必要做好防守才有機會贏得總冠軍。
Richard Jefferson is absolutely right. The Mavs will look to add a tough vet or two this offseason. That's been the plan and this series has reinforced the reasoning. "We need to get some dogs," one member of the front office told me months ago.
— Tim MacMahon (@espn_macmahon) August 30, 2020
It's not just about having an enforcer for Luka Doncic. Mavs know they need to be much better than the 18th-ranked defense to have a good chance to win a championship.
— Tim MacMahon (@espn_macmahon) August 30, 2020