朗度在魏斯布魯克面前上籃。(USA TODAY Sports)
G5最末節,當場上正在執行罰球,「魏少」魏斯布魯克(Russell Westbrook)突然轉向觀眾席,對著場下叫囂。雖然鏡頭畫面沒有帶到觀眾席,但根據新聞媒體爆料,這起爭執的另一位主角是湖人後衛朗度(Rajon Rondo)的兄長(William Rondo)。
Rockets’ Russell Westbrook repeatedly shouts “Who you talking to?” at Rajon Rondo’s brother who was seated in front row & supporting Lakers during Game 5. Austin Rivers adds, “You’ve got to go” before security escorts him out. NBA has policy restricting bubble fan conduct pic.twitter.com/w9Wb3tCXCd
— Ben Golliver (@BenGolliver) September 13, 2020
“He didn’t say anything crazy, raise his voice and cuss (Russ). He called the man ‘Trash.’ As players we get away with manipulating the game and manipulating the referees as if we are being attacked. I’ve done it in the past,” #Lakers @RajonRondo to @TheUndefeated on his brother.
— Marc J. Spears (@MarcJSpears) September 13, 2020