〔體育中心/綜合報導〕熱火替補長人雷納德(Meyers Leonard)爆出種族歧視爭議,在玩遊戲實況時脫口說出污辱猶太人的髒話,引起大眾不滿,球團祭出懲處讓他無限期離隊,陣中精神領袖哈斯倫(Udonis Haslem)也出聲,表示這件事不能容忍。
對此,熱火老將哈斯倫今日接受隨隊記者Ira Winderman訪問,談到雷納德爆出種族歧視爭議,哈斯倫直呼:「這件事在這裡不能容忍,對就是對,錯就是錯。」
針對雷納德粗俗的字眼,導致許多猶太人士感到受傷,哈斯倫也代為道歉,「這事不能容忍,我自己也有受傷的感覺,我有很多猶太朋友,他們有時稱我為Udonis Haslem-berg(許多猶太人的姓氏以berg為結尾)。」
Haslem says he has never heard Leonard utter such a comment around the team or otherwise. "He's never said anything of any nature like that around me." https://t.co/qBtbI3ZX7k
— Ira Winderman (@IraHeatBeat) March 11, 2021
Udonis Haslem on the impact of Meyers Leonard's words on the Jewish community, "We apologize. That won't tolerated here. I felt that. I have a lot of Jewish friends. They call me Udonis Haslem-berg at times."
— Ira Winderman (@IraHeatBeat) March 11, 2021