Steph Curry went back to the locker room after taking a fall during the fourth quarter.
— ESPN (@espn) March 18, 2021
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕勇士今以108:94擊敗火箭,賞對手難堪18連敗,但一哥柯瑞(Stephen Curry)卻因傷退場,嚇出眾人一身冷汗,幸好柯瑞傷勢似乎不重,總教練柯爾(Steve Kerr)表示,柯瑞可能明天就會回到球場練習。
賽後,《The Athletic》記者Anthony Slater詢問勇士總教練柯爾,柯瑞目前的傷勢,柯爾說道:「不確定柯瑞是否能打下場面對灰熊的比賽,但柯瑞自己覺得傷勢大約下週左右就會好起來,我們就拭目以待吧,大家不要覺得他好像要缺陣1週的樣子,據我所知,他明天可能就會回到球場練習。」
《ESPN》記者Nick Friedell則在推特寫道,「柯爾說柯瑞目前沒有照X光,且不認為需要進行其他檢查,柯爾抱持樂觀的想法,認為在痠痛消退後,柯瑞就能重返賽場。」
Steve Kerr on Steph Curry: "No idea if he'll play in Memphis. But he seems to feel like he'll be fine in the next week or so. We'll see. Don't take that to mean he's out a week. He could be back practicing tomorrow, for all I know." Update tomorrow.
— Anthony Slater (@anthonyVslater) March 18, 2021
Kerr said that Curry didn't get x-rays and doesn't believe that any other tests are forthcoming. Kerr is optimistic that Curry will be back on the floor soon after the soreness subsides.
— Nick Friedell (@NickFriedell) March 18, 2021