〔體育中心/綜合報導〕今熱身賽國民對上馬林魚,不過此戰擔任先發右外野手的強打少年索托(Juan Soto)在首局中途退場,據《NBC》報導,索托右腿感覺不適才提前下場。
總教練馬丁尼茲(Dave Martinez)受訪指出,索托首局首打席在和馬林魚先發投手桑契斯(Sixto Sanchez)纏鬥了11球後,右小腿感覺到緊繃所以才做出提前讓他下場的決定,「他說他感覺很好,但我現在要確定明天見到他時,他是能被治好的。」
After a flurry of bad injury news today, here's a welcome piece to report: After leaving the Nationals' game early today, Juan Soto is OK. Calf tightened up on him a little, but it's not expected to be a problem and he should be good to go soon.
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) March 26, 2021