〔體育中心/綜合報導〕上役塞爾提克球星塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)在與籃網之戰中,眼睛被戳到,因傷提前退場,還好傷勢並不嚴重,今主帥史蒂文斯(Brad Stevens)透露其有機會明日上場。
塔圖姆在前一戰第三節中,試圖抄下籃網球星杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)的球,不過雙方在爭搶時布蘭特不慎戳中了他的眼睛,隨後他就下場,該場賽爾提克落敗,球隊吞下系列戰二連敗。
所幸隨隊記者Chris Grenham在推特上發文,史蒂文斯表示塔圖姆的情況有好轉,有機會在第三場上陣,雖然無法預知他當天在場上的感覺,但很高興他的情況是能出賽的。
Brad Stevens gave @ZoandBertrand a positive update on Jayson Tatum's eye injury:
— Chris Grenham (@chrisgrenham) May 26, 2021
"The last I heard, which was last night, ... was that he was doing better and that Friday looks probable at that time. ... They felt pretty good about him being able to go."