〔體育中心/綜合報導〕「Z魔神」葛蘭基(Zack Greinke)本季重返皇家,個性乖僻的他迎接春訓初登板前,在場邊先有了趣聞。
根據皇家記者威尼爾(Josh Vernier)在推特上指出,葛蘭基今在進行牛棚練投後,被一位球迷詢問能不能幫忙簽名,這位塞揚強投答應了,不過條件是該名球迷要讓他拍張照;在這位衣褲都印有「大麻口味拉麵」的球迷點頭後,葛蘭基就真的拿出手機捕捉球迷,行為令人摸不著頭緒。
Zack Greinke makes his first start of the spring in less than an hour.
— Josh Vernier (@JoshVernier610) March 23, 2022
A fan approached and asked for an autograph as Zack left the bullpen.
Zack said he would, but only if he could take the fan’s picture.
Reed from Cali agreed to the terms & Zack pulled out his phone. #Royals pic.twitter.com/4MnNrjWY0t