P.喬治復出首戰就強勢領快艇逆轉爵士。(USA TODAY Sports)
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕因肘部傷勢缺陣已長達3個月的P.喬治(Paul George),今在復出首戰就繳全隊最高,第三節還獨攬20分,帶領快艇克服落後多達25分的劣勢,演出絕地反攻擊退爵士止敗,而他缺席43戰後復出首戰就飆34分,也創下快艇隊史紀錄,此外快艇也是過去25年裡,第一支單季在落後24分的狀況下,能在4場比賽逆轉的球隊。
而根據美媒《Elias Sports》統計,P.喬治在缺席43戰後砍下34分,締造了快艇隊史單季缺席至少40場球員中的最高分,且這也是PG本季第7場得分破30,比其他所有快艇球員(總共6場)相加都還要多。
Paul George’s 34 points tonight are the most ever by a player who has missed their team’s previous 40+ games within one season via @EliasSports. George has more 30-point games this season (7) than the rest of the Clippers team combined (6). @ESPNStatsInfo pic.twitter.com/pqZKAAQS6Z
— Marc J. Spears (@MarcJSpears) March 30, 2022
The Clippers are the first team in the last 25 years to have four 24 point comebacks in one season. This team was missing its best players the majority of the year too.
— Farbod Esnaashari (@Farbod_E) March 30, 2022
The Clippers now have come back from 24 or more down four times this season -- they already had the most in the play-by-play era. As for Utah, the Jazz were 235-0 in regular season games where they led by at least 25 points per @ESPNStatsInfo
— Ohm Youngmisuk (@NotoriousOHM) March 30, 2022