〔體育中心/綜合報導〕洋基今天以6:9不敵金鶯的比賽,主審一系列誤判引發球員火氣大,瑞佐(Anthony Rizzo)還因此遭到趕出場,引發網友討論。
此役在8局上瑞佐登場打擊,前2局低角度的球進壘都被判好球,結果被三振出局,下一棒輪到史坦頓(Giancarlo Stanton)打擊,第1球與瑞佐的那2球幾乎是一樣位置,但被判壞球,這時回休息室的瑞佐不服,又衝上場抗議,結果被趕出場,這是他生涯第三次被趕。洋基的粉專「Talkin' Yanks」整理瑞佐暴走畫面,球迷也批評是裁判太過分。
另外6局下2出局滿壘,輪到金鶯隊的曼西尼(Trey Mancini)打擊,也是被2顆低角度的好球拉弓三振,他也不滿地摔頭盔、摔手套洩憤。
"I'm better than that! You know I'm better than that."
— Talkin' Yanks (@TalkinYanks) May 19, 2022
Anthony Rizzo gets ejected for the third time in his career. He watched two bad strike calls go by then argued when the same pitch was called a ball to the next batter pic.twitter.com/quddnrKvmK
Umpire made two bad strike calls against Trey Mancini and he was NOT happy pic.twitter.com/ZXVZZkGAiN
— Jomboy Media (@JomboyMedia) May 19, 2022