〔體育中心/綜合報導〕費城人3A在美國時間29日的比賽面對紅襪3A,27歲工具人穆諾(Yairo Munoz)在第5局獲得保送後,他在卸下護脛後不慎丟到主審,當場被驅逐出場。費城人3A在這場比賽以2:10輸球。
這場比賽的5局下,費城人3A首名打者穆諾選到保送後,助球隊攻占滿壘,他脫掉腳上的護脛,往旁邊丟時,似乎丟掉主審雷克利(James Rackley)的腳,穆諾準備往一壘走時,雷克利竟把他趕出場,讓穆諾一臉狐疑,最後無奈退場。費城人3A教頭康崔拉斯(Anthony Contreras)也出來抗議,同樣被趕出場。
美國體育寫手Mitch Rupert在推特上發文直言,「我這輩子從未見過這樣子的事情。」外國網友有部分支持主審的判決,但也有網友抨擊這名裁判根本是名小丑。
I have never in my life seen anything like this.
— Mitch Rupert (@Mitch_Rupert) May 30, 2022
Lehigh Valley’s Yairo Munoz walked to load the bases, as he tosses down his shin guard it rolls back and hits the umpire in the foot and the umpire tosses Munoz. The umpire then tells the manager Munoz threw the shin guard at him https://t.co/FxNrFtysTA pic.twitter.com/tqmjEgJ4Q5