〔體育中心/綜合報導〕天使今天在主場碰上紅襪,第2局有著絕佳的得分機會,但天使球員阿德爾(Jo Adell)糟糕的跑壘判斷,讓天使留下滿壘的殘壘。這個跑壘讓外國媒體和網友紛紛批評阿德爾的跑壘判斷。
2局下阿德爾先擊出二壘安打,湯瑪斯(Dillon Thomas)挨觸身球上壘,天使隊無人出局攻占一、二壘。1出局後,韋德(Tyler Wade)揮出右外野深遠安打,結果阿德爾第一時間竟然先回去踩二壘壘包,等確定球落地後才往三壘跑,這也讓天使韋德可能形成的長打變成一壘安打,天使持續攻佔滿壘,後兩棒打者無法送回分數,讓天使隊無功而返。
FOX分析師韋蘭德(Ben Verlander)就在推特上發文說,「阿德爾糟糕的跑壘。球打到全壘打牆,而且只有1出局,他卻無法從二壘跑回來得分。」
《普羅維登斯日報》(The Providence Journal)的紅襪記者柯赫(Bill Koch)也在推特上發文說,「阿德爾是你見過最爛的跑壘,這就是兩週內輸掉這麼多比賽的原因之一。」
AWFUL baserunning here from Jo Adell. Ball hits off the wall with 1 out and he doesn't score from 2nd base.
— Ben Verlander (@BenVerlander) June 10, 2022
With 0 outs, you go back and try and tag. With one out, you are halfway and score walking home if the ball gets down. Instead of 2-0 Angels, it's still 0-0. pic.twitter.com/loCdyBwhAF
Jo Adell with some of the worst baserunning you'll ever see.
— Bill Koch (@BillKoch25) June 10, 2022
That's one of many reasons why you lose every game for two weeks.