〔體育中心/綜合報導〕2013年太空人以狀元籤選入右投艾培爾(Mark Appel),生涯飽受傷病困擾,小聯盟成績又差強人意,也讓身負狀元之名的他一度離開球界。不過根據費城人代理總教練湯姆森(Rob Thomson)表示,艾培爾將被拉上大聯盟。
許多人原先認為艾培爾能在短時間內就能升上大聯盟,不過相反的是,他與骨刺等傷病一直不斷奮鬥,許多與艾培爾同一年中選的球員都已在大聯盟舞台上發光發熱。第2順位的布萊恩(Kris Bryant)在芝加哥小熊隊贏得了世界大賽和國聯MVP的殊榮。17順位的安德森(Tim Anderson)成為了全明星,甚至是白襪隊的最佳代言人。第32順位的「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)在2017年被評為美聯年度最佳新秀,同時他還多次入選明星賽,並且是洋基隊最令人恐懼的重砲手之一。
In 2013, I was the #1 overall pick in the MLB Draft.
— Mark Appel (@markappel26) September 17, 2021
5 years later, I was called “the biggest bust in MLB history.”
Today, I’m working my way back, and I’m here to share both the hard-earned lessons I’ve learned along the way
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
— Mark Appel (@markappel26) September 17, 2021
In 2014, I experienced depression for the first time in my life.
After a stretch of terrible games, I broke down and destroyed a locker room wall.
When the dust settled (figuratively and literally), even though I wasn't okay, I knew my life would be. pic.twitter.com/2WNy6ImVqm
自從被太空人選入的第九年,艾培爾有機會首次在大聯盟亮相。「完全不知所措。我有很多想法想分享,但不知道說甚麼好,所以我只想說:『我很感激』。」艾培爾在推特上激動表示 :「今天作為大聯盟的球員,我可以打一場我喜愛的比賽。」艾培爾今年在小聯盟3A共出賽19場,主投28局,防禦率1.61,每局被上壘率僅0.93。
Completely overwhelmed. I have so many thoughts I want to share but can’t find the words, so I’ll just say this:
— Mark Appel (@markappel26) June 25, 2022
I’m thankful.
Today, I get to play a game I love as a Major League Baseball player.