If you don't know that Andrés Giménez is a star, it's not our fault. We've been saying it all year, but this is the first time a lot of you get to see him play.
— Cleveland Guardians (@CleGuardians) July 20, 2022
What a stud.#ForTheLand pic.twitter.com/Qjkn45O4ny
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕美聯明星賽二壘先發,效力守護者吉梅涅茲(Andres Gimenez)今天在明星賽中展現高超的背後傳球美技,與游擊手安德森(Tim Anderson)上演一次精采的雙殺。
吉梅涅茲在1下1出局一壘有人時,面對馬查多(Manny Machado)一記強勁的中間方向滾地球,不僅先精彩擋下來球沒讓球穿越形成安打,還用背後傳球美技將球傳給安德森,安德森也傳往一壘形成雙殺。
吉梅涅茲是在林多(Francisco Lindor)交易案中被大都會送往守護者的球員之一,本季他出賽79場,打擊率2成96,敲出10發全壘打,43分打點,攻擊指數0.835。
We made some people upset when we said this before, so we're gonna say it again:
— Cleveland Guardians (@CleGuardians) July 20, 2022
The best second baseman in the American League, Andrés Giménez.#ForTheLand pic.twitter.com/ohR0uyfrVd