《ESPN Stats & Info》指出,自現代棒球年代(1900年起)以來,大谷翔平成為大聯盟史上第5位「敲出500安、投出500K」的選手,加入伍德(Smoky Joe Wood)、魯芬(Red Ruffing)、強森(Walter Johnson)、貝比魯斯(Babe Ruth)的行列,鬼神二刀流再創百年紀錄。
Shohei Ohtani is the 5th player in the Modern Era (since 1900) with 500 hits as a batter and 500 Ks as a pitcher, joining Smoky Joe Wood, Red Ruffing, Walter Johnson and Babe Ruth.
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) May 4, 2023
Ohtani's 13th K of the game tonight was the 500th of his career.
The Angels are losing 4-3. pic.twitter.com/anUDUuhLbl