〔體育中心/綜合報導〕天使今日傳出壞消息,內野工具人厄謝拉(Gio Urshela)日前在衝一壘時受傷,造成左側骨盆骨折,預計剩餘賽季報銷。
今日對戰道奇前,天使總教練奈文(Phil Nevin)宣布了厄謝拉賽季報銷的消息,「這比預想的結果好,已經是不幸中的大幸,檢查了骨頭後,雖然不需要動手術,但會長期缺陣,這6週需要拄拐杖,之後的6週可能會進行輕微的訓練,也就是說,剩餘賽季報銷了。」
Gio Urshela got hurt hustling out a double play ball in the 1st inning of a game in June. He was a key ingredient to this 1st half run. Thanks for playing the game hard and full speed. He’s a UFA in ‘24 but I’ll root for him wherever he goes pic.twitter.com/vk44EzLxVZ
— Max (@Maxairjordan1) June 21, 2023