〔體育中心/綜合報導〕洋基今天在主場與金鶯進行4連戰的第3戰,不過比賽中發生了驚悚的一幕,金鶯大物游擊手韓德森(Gunnar Henderson)在一次策動雙殺中失敗,失手大暴傳讓球直接砸到了場邊攝影師的頭。
事情發生在5局下,洋基一壘有人時輪到沃爾普(Anthony Volpe)打擊,他擊出了內野滾地球,金鶯策動4-6-3的雙殺守備,不過游擊手韓德森傳向一壘時丟了一個大暴傳,直接砸到場邊攝影Pete Stendel的頭。
Pete Stendel被砸到後隨即痛苦倒地,比賽也因此被迫暫停約10分鐘,好消息是Pete Stendel被擔架抬出場時,有比出手勢回應球迷,表示自己沒問題,全場也傳出「MVP」的喊聲。而事發後Pete Stendel還能正常講話,意識也保持清醒。
本場比賽兩隊鏖戰至最後,9局上金鶯僅以4:3領先一分,不過該局歐赫恩(Ryan O'Hearn)敲出兩分砲追加保險分,終場就以6:3擊敗洋基。
Yankees game is currently under delay as a cameraman was hit in the head on an overthrow.
— New York Post Sports (@nypostsports) July 6, 2023
He is talking and conscious according to Michael Kay on the broadcast. pic.twitter.com/hKjrGHHnRm
Cameraman Pete held up a peace sign as he was carted off the field to "MVP" chants from the Yankee Stadium crowd pic.twitter.com/hu3EUykvxT
— New York Post Sports (@nypostsports) July 6, 2023