〔體育中心/綜合報導〕大聯盟8月1日(美國時間)的交易大限將至,天使隊日本球星大谷翔平的動向備受矚目。根據大聯盟資深記者摩洛西(Jon Morosi)指出,傳出金鶯和響尾蛇等隊已向天使隊詢問交易大谷的可能性。
摩洛西在社群媒體推特提到,天使隊近日和其他球隊談論交易大谷的方案,即使天使隊近8戰拿6勝,交易大谷的可能性仍然存在。根據數據網站《Baseball Reference》預測,天使隊本季打進季後賽的機率只有9.6%。
Sources: Orioles, DBacks among teams inquiring with the Angels about Shohei Ohtani’s trade availability.
— Jon Morosi (@jonmorosi) July 25, 2023
Both clubs’ interest has been described as due diligence; both teams have the young talent base conducive to making a trade.@MLBNetwork @MLBPipeline
The Angels have communicated about Shohei Ohtani trade scenarios with other teams in recent days.
— Jon Morosi (@jonmorosi) July 24, 2023
Even as the Angels have won 6 of 8, the possibility of an Ohtani trade remains.
The Angels are at 9.6% in the latest @baseball_ref playoff odds projection.@MLBNetwork @MLB