What a performance!
— Olympics (@Olympics) July 30, 2021
Zhu Xueying takes gold to lead a #CHN one-two in the women’s #TrampolineGymnastics.@gymnastics pic.twitter.com/geM2UyLIcV
中國媒體新浪體育也以「怒了!奧運官推發中國選手醜照 底下網友都在質問」為題,認為跟其他女選手的照片比起來,官方特地選兩人的醜照來發。
Good job again @Reuters
— Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka (@ChinaEmbSL) July 30, 2021
Hope your eyes serve you well to see the appreciation comments.
Congrats to ZHU Xueying and LIU Lingling winning #gold & #silver in Women's Trampoline #Tokyo2020
Beautiful angels flying in the sky! pic.twitter.com/8HilQeHpJq